Last is walking south on the road out of Ivarstead, just before arriving at the road signs where the road splits 2 ways. Next is walking to Castle Dour from the Blue Palace in Solitude, when entering the area where the guards train. The first place is the road outside of Whiterun, just west of Honningbrew, when walking east to west. However in specific areas, I almost always (I'd say 85% of the time) seem to CTD. On my original character, I never saw Delphine there, and this book is not there on Farengar's table either.I finished my STEP: Extended Installation a few days ago and have been enjoying playing with what I would say is a fairly stable Skyrim. There was also a book on the table listing various settlements, possibly giving me useful information about areas on the map. PS: Also what added to my confusion is this: as I fooled around with a new character, upon returning the Dragon Stone, I saw for the first time Delphine at Dragonsreach discussing with Farengar. I do not remember anyone at Dragonsreach mentioning it either. How was I supposed to learn about Ivarstead, and what am I even doing there? I can't find any quests in my log that refers to it. A friend told me this is where I should go.

Eventually I noticed the quest marker pointing to Ivarstead.

However I could not find a path to the top. And there were enough hints with the "seven thousand steps" to make the connection with the high peak where High Hrothgar is located. I could see High Hrothgar was on a nearby mountain top on the map. After killing the first dragon and becoming Thane of Whiterun, the Jarl suggested I visit the Greybeards to learn more about the "power of the voice".